Exhibition Flyer (Draft)

Do Not Enter is a multifaceted series of 15 digital works that confronts the complexities of Christian evangelicalism and internalized homophobia. Inspired by the hellish journey of Dante's Inferno, the series guides the audience through a macabre sequence of interactive interfaces and motion media videos.
Through its interactive elements, the series reinterprets familiar digital interfaces—like webpages and mobile apps—to explore themes of cybersociality and examine the influence of everyday technology on societal perceptions. This work appropriates the banality of online interactions, transforming them into affecting narratives of identity, technology, and belief.
"Exodus" | Digital Zine
"Exodus" | Digital Zine
"Phallacy" | Interactive User Interface
"Phallacy" | Interactive User Interface
"MADE FOR THIS" | Animated Digital Art
"MADE FOR THIS" | Animated Digital Art
"Black Swan" | Motion Media Video
"Black Swan" | Motion Media Video
3. "Matthew"
4. "Gay for the Stay"
5. "Bloodlust"
6. "The High Church of Glass"
7. "Avarice"
9. "Because He's Worth It"
10. "Point Blank"
11. "Phallacy"
12. "Old Lies"
13. "Double Edged"
14. "Blue Mouth"
15. "The Last Judgment"